woensdag 1 juli 2009

Another day at Summit

One more week to go; I like it here but also look forward to go back to NL next week; I heard that it is now there about 30C whereas here it is about -10C during the day, the "sense" temperature strongly dependent on the wind speed. Last night the wind picked up making it a little noisy in the tent. Since my watch is not working properly, waking up I guessed it was about 8 in the morning; time to go the site. However, then making it to the "Big house" for breakfast my watch turned out to indicate the right time, 3.30. At some lower latitude, the darkness would clearly indicate that there are some hours to sleep.
So with the winds we have had some accumulation of snow at the site due to snow drift but also had some snowfall. This implies that we soon have to put some of the lowest instruments higher up at the tower. This is also an issue for the different buildings they have here at the site. At one of the pictures below you can see the "Big house" put on poles to have it always above the snow whereas on the left hand side you see the last compartment of the "Greenhouse" where most of the staff sleeps. It got stuck into the snow so deep that they are now already for about 2 weeks moving it completely to a higher point so that it will be not burried into the snow pack for the next years,


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